1 hectare = 1581.47291 dhur |
To get the value of Dhur in 1 Hectare, multiply Dhur with 1581.47
as 1 Hectare = 1581.47 Dhur.
To get the value of Hectare in 1 Dhur, multiply Hectare with 0.00063
as 1 Dhur = 0.00063 Hectare.
To get the value of Dhur in Hectare, multiply Hectare with 1581.47
as 1 Hectare = 1581.47 Dhur. Therefore, 10 Hectare = 15814.73 Dhur.
To get the value of Dhur in Hectare, multiply Hectare with 1581.47
As 1 Hectare = 1581.47 Dhur. Therefore, 50 Hectare = 79073.65 Dhur.
To get the value of Dhur in Hectare, multiply Hectare with 1581.47
As 1 Hectare = 0.00063 Dhur. Therefore, 100 Hectare = 158147.3 Dhur.
Both of these are measurement units, used frequently for measuring lands and plots in India. In some states, 1 Hectare is equal to 1581.47 Dhur.
To calculate Hectare to Dhur, wherein Hectare is equal to 1581.47 Dhur, multiply the figure in Hectare by 1581.47. You can also use the Hectare to Dhur calculator.
Hectare is bigger than Dhur, as 1 Hectare is equal to 1581.47 Dhur.
To use Hectare to Dhur calculator, select the state from the drop-down menu, and choose the units to be converted.
The value of 1 Hectare is 1581.47 Dhur.
Use our Dhur to Hectare convertor for more calculations.
For land measurement purposes, people use Ankanam, Cent, Ground, Guntha, Kuncham, etc. in South India.