
    Hectare to Dhur Calculator

    Enter the value and select desired unit
    States use different units of measuremets like - bigha, cent, etc.
    *This tool is for informational puproses only
    1 hectare = 1581.47291 dhur
    1 hectare = 1581.47 dhur

    About Hectare Units

    1 Hectare is equal to 1581.47 Dhur and is commonly used to measure land. Hectare is equal to the area enclosed in a square with 100-Meter sides, or 10,000 m². Hectare can be converted to other units of area measurement using simple calculations or a land measurement unit calculator

    Hectare to Dhur calculation formula
    Dhur = Hectare x 1581.47

    More about Hectare measurement unit
    The term Hectare (symbol ha) was coined in French from the Latin word ārea.

    Hectare is used in India as well as in Australia, Burma, Canada, the European Union, the USA, the UK, and others.

    On an average, approximately 600-800 trees can be planted per hectare.

    1 Hectare is equivalent to 2.47 acres of area. To put it in perspective, a football field (including the end zones) is roughly 1.1 Hectares in size.

    1 Hectare is equal to 10,000 Square meters, which is the SI unit.
    Value of Hectare in other units
    Unit of AreaConversion Unit
    1 Hectare2.47 acre
    1 Hectare3.95 bigha
    1 Hectare247.13 cent
    1 Hectare247.13 dismil
    1 Hectare79.73 biswa
    1 Hectare107639.0 sq.ft.
    1 Hectare247.13 decimal
    1 Hectare11959.99 gaj
    1 Hectare98.84 guntha
    1 Hectare9999.99
    1 Hectare0.01
    1 Hectare100.0 ares
    1 Hectare11959.89 sq.yd.
    1 Hectare19.77 kanal
    1 Hectare79.07 katha
    1 Hectare49.83 nali
    1 Hectare2.47 killa
    1 Hectare395.37 marla
    1 Hectare0.0038 sq.mi.
    1 Hectare395.37 perch
    1 Hectare44.84 ground
    1 Hectare3558.31 sq.karam
    1 Hectare0.098 murabba
    1 Hectare1581.47 lessa
    1 Hectare39.54 biswa kacha
    1 Hectare2391.98 chatak
    1 Hectare1581.47 dhur
    1 Hectare1.87 pura
    1 Hectare1494.99 ankanam
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    About Dhur Units

    Dhur is one of the common units of land area measurements used by states in the eastern part of India like Jharkhand, Tripura, West Bengal, and also Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. It is used in Nepal too. As one Dhur is equivalent to 0.0016 Acres, this unit is generally used for measuring smaller pieces of land. It denotes varying sizes in different states and is equal to 1/20 part of a Katha. One Dhur is equal to one Lessa. Dhur is not an accepted term for area measurement by the International System of Units. However, it can be converted to other usable SI units through easy unit calculator. One Dhur is standardized to be equal to 6.32 Square meters, which is the universally accepted SI derived base unit for area measurement.
    Value of Dhur in other units
    Unit of AreaConversion Unit
    1 Dhur68.06 sq.ft.
    1 Dhur0.05 katha
    1 Dhur0.15 dismil
    1 Dhur0.15 decimal
    1 Dhur0.062 guntha
    1 Dhur0.028 ground
    1 Dhur0.0025 bigha
    1 Dhur2.25 sq.karam
    1 Dhur1.0 lessa
    1 Dhur0.15 cent
    1 Dhur0.025 biswa kacha
    1 Dhur0.25 marla
    1 Dhur1.51 chatak
    1 Dhur0.0504 biswa
    1 Dhur6.32
    1 Dhur7.56 sq.yd.
    1 Dhur0.012 kanal
    1 Dhur7.56 gaj
    1 Dhur0.0015 killa
    1 Dhur0.0011 pura
    1 Dhur0.0015 acre
    1 Dhur0.063 ares
    1 Dhur0.94 ankanam
    1 Dhur7.56 gajam
    1 Dhur0.25 perch
    1 Dhur0.031 nali
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    How many Dhur(s) is there in 1 Hectare(s)?

    To get the value of Dhur in 1 Hectare, multiply Dhur with 1581.47
    as 1 Hectare = 1581.47 Dhur.

      How many Hectare in Dhur?

      To get the value of Hectare in 1 Dhur, multiply Hectare with 0.00063
      as 1 Dhur = 0.00063 Hectare.

        How many Dhur in 10 Hectare?

        To get the value of Dhur in Hectare, multiply Hectare with 1581.47
        as 1 Hectare = 1581.47 Dhur. Therefore, 10 Hectare = 15814.73 Dhur.

          How many Dhur in 50 Hectare?

          To get the value of Dhur in Hectare, multiply Hectare with 1581.47
          As 1 Hectare = 1581.47 Dhur. Therefore, 50 Hectare = 79073.65 Dhur.

            How many Dhur in 100 Hectare?

            To get the value of Dhur in Hectare, multiply Hectare with 1581.47
            As 1 Hectare = 0.00063 Dhur. Therefore, 100 Hectare = 158147.3 Dhur.

              What is Hectare and Dhur?

              Both of these are measurement units, used frequently for measuring lands and plots in India. In some states, 1 Hectare is equal to 1581.47 Dhur.

                How to convert Hectare to Dhur?

                To calculate Hectare to Dhur, wherein Hectare is equal to 1581.47 Dhur, multiply the figure in Hectare by 1581.47. You can also use the Hectare to Dhur calculator.

                  Which one is bigger, Hectare or Dhur?

                  Hectare is bigger than Dhur, as 1 Hectare is equal to 1581.47 Dhur.

                    How to use Hectare to Dhur converter?

                    To use Hectare to Dhur calculator, select the state from the drop-down menu, and choose the units to be converted.

                      What is the value of one Dhur in Hectare?

                      The value of 1 Hectare is 1581.47 Dhur.
                      Use our Dhur to Hectare convertor for more calculations.

                        Which land measurement units are used in South India?

                        For land measurement purposes, people use Ankanam, Cent, Ground, Guntha, Kuncham, etc. in South India.