Mysore Road is set to get a Rs 43 lakh makeover after Siddaramaiah, Chief Minister, Karnataka, asked the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) to carry out the developmental work. The overall aim is to ensure seamless road connectivity for commuters in the region with the festive season around the corner. The plan includes desilting the drain, painting and beautifying the kerb and the median. The work will be executed by Karnataka Road Infrastructure and Development Limited.

Mysore Road is one the major arterial roads in the state connecting Nayandahalli junction and RR Nagar arch, and extends to Outer Ring Road connecting Magadi road. However, the roads are not in good shape owing to potholes. Further, the median is out of shape and requires painting. There is also an urgent need to restore the pedestrian walkaway, desilting the shoulder drains, and painting kerb stones.