The Jaipur Smart City project hit a major roadblock owing to the slow pace of survey of shops and houses in the state. This delay has been attributed to a lack of coordination between a private firm and the local bodies. As per the Smart City project, the survey has to be conducted every 11 years for updating the count of the properties. While the authorised firm has completed the first phase of the survey, verification delay by local bodies has resulted in the hurdle.
The survey will help the civic body in collecting urban development (UD) tax and cess from property owners. The data will be shared with the public online. Previously, the survey was done in 2005. The present rules call for local bodies levying UD tax for plots sizes 300 sq yards and more.
According to the survey taken in 2005, there are about 1.19 lakh properties in the state on which UD tax have to be levied. But in recent times, there has been a rise in the plots across the city which have not updated. The same has been discussed during Jaipur Municipal Corporation’s (JMC) general body meeting (GBM) several times.
Once the data is available, the civic body is expected to earn Rs 150 crore as revenue every year, a big leap from the earlier annual revenue of Rs 70 crore.